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Make the most of your social, church, vacation, and group events


Is it worth the time, inconvenience, and money to go to singles' cruises, vacations, or conferences when you rarely end up dating anyone you meet there? Also, what about your church, social events, and other hangout opportunities? Is it realistic to pursue dates at these activities?

Discover how Jeremy, a 22-year old college student, and Karen, a 38-year old divorced mother of three,...

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Finding the Faith to Love and Be Loved


(podcast includes a downloadable workbook)

We've all had painful experiences that feed our fears or make us doubt ourselves and our future. We fear that we'll fail, we can't have what others have, and we'll experience the same problems over and over again. We're scared of abuse, loss, abandonment, rejection, and betrayal. These anxieties keep us from being courageous, prevent us from...

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Want to be socially accepted? Don't miss this!


We've all been that person who's been in a social group or setting and noticed someone on the outskirts, the wallflower, the one who tries to start a conversation very awkwardly, or they only come with one person and they stay with that person the whole time.

We've all seen these socially awkward situations and been afraid of being that person.  We've also been that person who is...

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Is Jeremy not getting dates because he is on the Spectrum?


When Jeremy walked into my office as a 22-year-old college student who had never been in a significant relationship and rarely went on dates, there were a couple of things that stood out about him. He was a little overweight. His posture really needed to be improved. He had that total nice guy look about him, which unfortunately can make him be undervalued and dismissed as a just...

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I don't have a girl/boyfriend. What's wrong with me?


When my son was a teenager, he came to me and shared his fear that there must be something wrong with him because he was not in a relationship, like he felt so many of his friends were. As I talked with him about it, it was obvious that he had a view where he was focusing just on those people who did have relationships. He didn't see how many other people, just like him, were struggling...

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