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I'm not feeling it! Should I stay or should I go?


"I don't know if I'm feeling it. I'm not sure if I'm attracted. I still notice other people. I worry that we're not having enough fun. I've felt stronger feelings in the past. I don't know if this will go anywhere, and I don't want to waste his time or mine. Should I stay, or should I go?"

Such doubts were common for Jana. Theo was an attractive guy who treated her great, so is...

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Finding the Faith to Love and Be Loved


(podcast includes a downloadable workbook)

We've all had painful experiences that feed our fears or make us doubt ourselves and our future. We fear that we'll fail, we can't have what others have, and we'll experience the same problems over and over again. We're scared of abuse, loss, abandonment, rejection, and betrayal. These anxieties keep us from being courageous, prevent us from...

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You're amazing! Why aren't you married?


If you're like a lot of singles, one of the hardest questions to answer or statements to respond to is, "You're amazing! I can't understand why you're still single," or "How are you not married yet?"  

There are so many different things that singles struggle with in the process of meeting, becoming exclusive, creating a secure attachment, and getting married that it's not as easy...

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